Terms and Conditions

This site (www.greenalley.ro) is managed by Green Alley Real Estate SRL, CIF: 1744684, address : Bucharest, sector 1, Stockholm street, no. 19, ground floor, ap. 1 and by Alina Verdeață, address Bucharest, sector 1, Stockholm street, no. 19, ground floor, ap. 1

Access to this site is governed by the terms and conditions of use detailed below.


All rights, including copyright and database rights, with respect to this website and its content, are owned or licensed by Green Alley Real Estate SRL and Alina Verdeață in accordance with the applicable legal provisions or with the permission of the copyright holder.

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You have no right to adapt, modify or create any material or information contained in this site, nor to use them for any purpose, except for personal, non-commercial use. You agree to use this site for legal purposes only.

Green Alley Real Estate SRL and Alina Verdeață reserves the right to use for their own purpose any materials submitted through this site, including texts and images - either on this site , or in any other form, including for advertising purposes. Green Alley Real Estate SRL reserves the right to monitor submitted materials and to modify or reject them.

Limitation of Liability

We try to provide accurate, complete and up-to-date information. However, by using this site you agree to the terms and conditions presented here, which enter into force from the moment you first accessed this site. By using this site by a minor under the age of 14, you, as its legal representative, express your consent to this use and you consent to the terms and conditions being respected, on behalf of the minor, starting with the date of the first use of the site- of the minor.

We try to provide accurate, complete and up-to-date information. However, by using this site you agree to the terms and conditions presented here, which enter into force from the moment you first accessed this site. By using this site by a minor under the age of 14, you, as its legal representative, express your consent to this use and you consent to the terms and conditions being respected, on behalf of the minor, starting with the date of the first use of the site- of the minor.

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To the maximum extent permitted by law, Green Alley Real Estate SRL and Alina Verdeață will not be liable under any circumstances, to any person for any loss or damage suffered as a result of the use of any information or products presented on this site, including, without limitation to indirect or incidental damages, or any damages arising from the use or inability to use, loss of information or profits, either under contractual liability or liability based on negligence or other harmful actions, resulting from or in connection with the use of this site.

By way of derogation from any other provisions of these terms and conditions, to the maximum extent permitted by law, we will not be responsible for the functionality or availability of this site.

External links

Green Alley Real Estate SRL and Alina Verdeață do not declare, guarantee, approve or accept any responsibility for the external sites containing links to this site or to which there may be links on this site. No external site you visit by accessing a link from this site is under the control of Green Alley Real Estate SRL and Alina Verdeață , and visiting the external site is done at your own risk.


The terms and conditions presented here will be governed by and interpreted in accordance with Romanian law. Any kind of disputes arising in connection with these terms and conditions will be subject to the decision of the competent courts in Romania.

In the event that any of these terms will be established as illegal, ineffective or inapplicable, due to the legislation of any state or country in which these terms are to be applied, it will be removed from the present terms and conditions. The other provisions will remain fully applicable and will continue to be binding and enforceable for the parties.

Green Alley Real Estate SRL and Alina Verdeață reserve the right to change any of these terms and conditions at any time, by posting the changes online.

If you do not agree to these Terms and Conditions and / or their changes, please stop using this site immediately.