Green Alley - FINANCE
We know that buying a property can be done by bank financing,
and this requires resources, time and documentation in order to choose the best bank offer.That's why we created the Green Alley Finance Division, which offers you FREE financing services through a dedicated broker, who will be 100% involved in the loan process:
- We meet and analyze your needs
- We offer you the best solutions
- We get the financial approval
- We prepare the file, we support you in collecting, completing and submitting documents
- We carry out the legal analysis of the property
- We keep you informed about what is happening with your loan file
- We manage the relationship with the appraiser, notary, insurer
- We support the file in the approval process and we are your intermediary in the relationship with the bank
- We meet and analyze your needs
- We offer you the best solutions
- We get the financial approval
- We prepare the file, we support you in collecting, completing and submitting documents
- We carry out the legal analysis of the property
- We keep you informed about what is happening with your loan file
- We manage the relationship with the appraiser, notary, insurer
- We support the file in the approval process and we are your intermediary in the relationship with the bank